Created for the Game Jam 2023 - where the theme was Life in 2 dimensions!

Life was simple for our heroine when there was only her dimension - the High Definition Dimension. Other dimensions didn't exist, or so she thought. But then weird holes started appearing in the ground. Never mind, she could jump those.

Life was simple for our heroine when there was only her dimension - the Retro Pixel Dimension. Then the baddies came. Still, she had magic axes to throw to kill the baddies, only they left these weird holes in the sky. Never mind, she could live with that.

You play our heroine and our heroine at the same time! But one can only jump and one can only throw axes at enemies. Just make sure that they don't die and they don't meet (that would implode the universe and also she doesn't really get along with herself). How hard can it be? 



Heavy Iron Hammer by laxattack1226 on opengameart (modified)

Mixamo Animations

Music from

In case you're struggling, it's intentionally difficult :) Jumping one character whilst firing for another is a bit like rubbing your stomach and patting your head - it takes some getting used to. I ended up with quite a bit less time than I planned for this game jam and a lot of the time I did have I spent looking into 3D model to 2D conversions techniques, so it's a simple endless runner with the theme as a twist. Playing one character whilst your friend plays another is cheating :)


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It was fun. Easy to play and understand

Nice idea!

I liked a lot the idea :) good job!

It's hard but not impossible! 😁 5/5 for the theme!